
TCU College of Education Hosts Maestro & Project M.A.L.E.S. Summit
The Maestro & Project M.A.L.E.S. Summit is a day-long research conference designed for professionals and practitioners.

TCU Launches Fully Online M.Ed. in School Counseling Program with Guaranteed Scholarship Funding
TCU expands access to counseling education with online format and Pathways to Purpose scholarship--making graduate education more accessible and affordable.

TCU College of Education Celebrates Fall 2024 Graduates with Pinning and Hooding Ceremony
The TCU College of Education honored its Fall 2024 graduates during a memorable Pinning and Hooding Ceremony, recognizing the achievements of undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students. The event celebrated academic excellence, the college’s Centennial year and the graduates’ commitment to making a lasting impact in education and beyond.

#EmpowerHer: TCU Celebrates Women's History Month with Women's Economic Symposium
Women's Economic Symposium empowers and educate attendees about career development, marketplace acumen and economic independence.

TCU College of Education Hosts Scripps Regional Spelling Bee, Winner Advances to National Competition
TCU College of Education hosts Scripps Regional Spelling Bee, highlighting the skills of 25 young spellers from second through eighth grades.

College of Education Professor Receives Deans' Award for Teaching Excellence
Jan Lacina, Ph.D., professor and Bezos Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Education, was recently awarded the Deans’ Award for Teaching.

Andrews Institute Awarded Cross-Discipline National Science Foundation Grant
A new grant will support TCU’s effort to determine how it has implicitly influenced the inequities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) departments.

Andrews Institute of Mathematics and Science Education Provides Innovation and Change to Benefit Community
The institute has grown and changed lives through math and science education thanks to the generous support of Paul and Judy Andrews – including a new $10 million gift for endowed scholarships.

New Maestro Program Aims to Diversify Teaching Force in Texas and Beyond
TCU’s Maestro program is a new initiative to increase the number of highly qualified Latinx teachers in K-12 classrooms by supporting the efforts of young Latinx men to earn their bachelor’s degree and teaching credentials