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Academic Advising

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The College of Education Academic Advisor offers group and individual advising sessions. Current undergraduate students are required to attend a group and/or individual advising session prior to enrolling in classes for the next semester. All students should plan to attend an advising session in order to enroll in classes. Due to time limitations, if a student fails to attend advising, they may not be able to register by their appointment time.

Please contact your Academic Advisor for more information regarding advising times and locations or to set up an individual advising appointment.

Undergraduate students may request permits for courses with status Dept. Permit or Instructor Permit.

The College of Education can only issue permits for undergraduate courses with the following prefixes: EDEC, EDMS, EDSC, EDSE, EDUC, YAES.

The College of Education can only issue permits for courses with the following prefixes: EDAD, EDCS, EDEC, EDEL, EDGU, EDHE, EDLE, EDMS, EDMT, EDRE, EDSC, EDSE, EDSP, EDUC.

Anticipated Graduation Date*
Ex. EDUC 37003
Ex. 010

1. How to determine if a course needs a permit code?

permit code faq screenshot

To determine if a course needs a permit code you will look at the “Status” box on class search. If it says “Dept Permit” then you will need to reach out to the Department who teaches the course to receive a permit, if available.

If listed as “Open” the course will not require a permit for enrollment, unless you do not meet the prerequisites to enroll in that specific course.

The College of Education can only issue permits for undergraduate courses with the following prefixes: EDEC, EDMS, EDSC, EDSE, EDUC, YAES.

2. Where to enter a permit:

permit code faq screenshot

When enrolling for classes you will be in your purple schedule builder. Once you have added your courses, you will checkout with your cart and it will bring you to a screen that looks similar to the picture above. You will then enter the code into the box (similar to the one circled in red).

3. Common Errors with Permit Codes:

    1. Permit codes can only be used one time when issued; if you add a course using a permit and then drop the course, your permit is no longer valid. When you drop a permitted course, we assume you no longer plan to take it, and re-issue the permit to the next student. If this occurs and you still plan to take the course, contact immediately for availability of another permit.
    2. Permits are issued for a specific section of a course; so, if issued a permit for section 10 of a course, you cannot use it for section 20 of the same class. The section on the schedule builder will be listed as LCL followed by a number like in the picture below.
  1. permit code faq screenshot 
    1. c. Double check that the code number you entered is the exact same numbers you were emailed, as it is very easy to mistype the numbers.
    2. d. If you receive an error that says “Unit Limit Exceeded” this means you are already enrolled in the max number of hours at this time, which is 17; students can enroll in/over 18 hours when the first day of the semester starts. When you run into this issue we recommend you enroll in all of your other courses that do not require permits and then wait to enroll in the one you have a permit for, as the permit saves your spot in the course.

    3. permit code faq screenshot
    4. e. Cart Times Out: Sometimes an error can still occur when entering a permit code that says “Department Consent Required”, even though you have already entered a valid permit code; when this occurs try removing the course from your cart and then re-adding it. Then use the permit again and hit submit. This error occurs when a course has been sitting too long in the cart. If that still doesn’t work, email for assistance.

    5. permit code faq screenshot

Please note all permit requests and questions must be submitted online. Permits will not be distributed by phone.