Graduate Programs
We offer well-established and widely recognized programs within the field of education. Our faculty are nationally known for their research, and just as important, the faculty have a tradition of excellence in graduate teaching, and an expertise in mentoring. We hope you consider one of our programs within the College of Education as you pursue graduate study.
Educational Leadership & Higher Education Leadership
Counseling & Human Services
Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction
Master of Education in Special Education
Ph.D. in Educational Studies: Counseling & Counselor Education
Ph.D. in Educational Studies: Curriculum Studies
Ph.D. in Educational Studies: Science Education
The College of Education also offers an Accelerated Master’s Option for students earning undergraduate degrees at TCU. Majors include: Curriculum and Instruction (language and literacy and science education specializations) and Special Education. This program is for high achieving undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Education to complete a bachelor’s degree with the Master of Education (M.Ed.) in five years.
If you have any questions regarding our programs, please feel free to contact the Graduate Studies Office Monday-Friday from 8-5 p.m. by email:
